Today our motherland Nepal is in that condition where they are deprived of using thier rights and uncertainty everywhere. Not only the citizen of Nepal but also the citizen of the world, who used to come nepal to see the scenic beauty and many tourism places are today told not to visit nepal and if they visit they are said to visit certain places by their ruler because of their insecurity, and instability in our country. World rich and famous countries like United states, european countries advisory have told their citizen not to visit Nepal in present time. But the so-called people’s parties of Nepal are playing game to achieve post and rule them by earning many more by incresing the price of the daily using things by common people. They do everything in speech and make country heavenly and drastic change in the country but in practice from the beginning period they are busy in doin work in the welfare of their own.
Common people of Nepal are made scope-goat by time and again . they are used in time of election and praised by the political leaders saying we will do this for you , to win the election but after winning the election they are capital based and do not go in remote place to view and solve the problem of those people who were used as scapegoat in the time of election .
It is uncertain that when road, transportation,etc will be called close. Even a small matter becomes the cause of strike and so on. That is why there is no proper law in the country. The so called peoples representative are busy in playing game how to achieve chair and earn much for them,their relatives, and for next generation. In case of nepal firstly the awareness programme should be given for the leaders.
So it is necessary to make aware for the leaders because the peace process and constitution drafting process may be late and may not be complete without consensus within and between the political parties. If not so the common people will be the scape-goat forever. The slogans to improve all sector of Nepal make it a prosperous country will be confined in speech only.
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